


Constantin College of Liberal Arts

云顶集团不考虑种族或国籍,向申请人开放 origin, creed, or sex. Applicants for admission must furnish evidence of good character, and of sufficient academic preparation and ability to do the work required.

由于该大学不是国家资助的机构,因此入学人数不受限制 德克萨斯州的居民也没有在入学要求的基础上做出任何区分 或者学费和杂费.

这所大学招收修过大学课程的高中生 预备课程包括英语、社会研究、数学、自然科学、 and a foreign langu年龄. Applicants pursuing a discipline in the sciences are encour年龄d to have four years of mathematics. Depth in foreign langu年龄 is advised.

该大学对申请入学的学生采取了可选考试政策 the spring 2021 or fall 2021 terms. 的 Admission Committee treats all 申请人s 作为个人,他特别注意个人的成就和领域 人才. Each 申请人 is evaluated as part of a holistic review process. 更多的 information on the specifics of applying as an undergraduate, please visit the undergraduate admission web p年龄s

Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts

所有文科研究生课程的查询和申请材料应 be sent to the Graduate Office, Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts. 应用程序 应包括两封推荐信,所有院校的成绩单 接受过高等教育,有一份目的声明,还有一本知识自传. 拥有学士学位是任何毕业生入学的先决条件 程序. Applicants should have an undergraduate major in the proposed field or otherwise demonstrate evidence of suitable background.

特殊学生是那些希望参加研究生水平课程但没有参加的学生 申请学位. 的y should be over 21 and have completed an undergraduate degree. 在任何时候,如果特殊学生希望成为学位候选人,他们必须 提交申请和随附的文件,以正常进入一所大学 the 程序s which will be considered along with all other applications. 只有9 credits earned as a special student may be transferred toward 的程度. 艺术专业的学生, however, may not count courses taken as special students.

在本科准备方面有不足的学生可能会被录取 有条件的,但他们必须提供足够的证据证明他们有能力在 研究生阶段.

安 & 阿乔. Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & 传福音

学士学位:由地区认可的学院或大学颁发的具有累积学位的学士学位 grade point aver年龄 of 2.75或更高(4).0 scale) is required in order to pursue a Master's degree or a Graduate Certificate at the SoM. Every student must demonstrate an aptitude for pastoral studies in at least one of three ways:

  • 成功完成文科、神学或宗教研究的本科课程;
  • ministerial experience;
  • or completion of a comprehensive and rigorous diocesan 程序 of formation.

在本科准备方面有不足的学生可能会被录取 是有条件的,但他们必须提供有能力履行职责的充分证据 在研究生阶段,可能需要完成适当的先决条件和/或 a directed individual study prior to acceptance. In addition, 申请人s may be asked to provide samples of academic writing and to take part in a personal interview. 的 application will then be reviewed and assessed.

作为申请过程的一部分,最多9个研究生学分,成绩为 “B”或更高级别可以被批准从地区认可的类似课程转学 机构. Deadlines for receipt of applications are July 15 for the fall semester, November 15 for the spring semester, and April 15 for the summer semester.

特殊学生是那些希望参加大学研究生课程的学生 credit, but are not 申请学位. 的y must have completed an undergraduate degree 从地区认可的学院或大学毕业,并且应该超过21年 年龄. Applicants may be asked to participate in a personal interview before admission 做出决定. Contact the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & 传福音的 more details and for application materials.

在任何时候,如果特殊学生希望成为学位候选人,他们必须 提交申请和所有随附文件,以正常进入一所大学 学位课程. 只有9 credits earned as a special student may be applied toward 的程度. Special students are not eligible for 云顶集团 scholarships 或赠款.

在本科准备或其他情况下有缺陷的学生 这可能会让人怀疑他们是否适合有条件地被录取, 但他们必须提供充分的证据,证明他们有能力在毕业时表现出色 水平. 有条件录取的学生不符合云顶集团奖学金的资格 或赠款.

除非另有熟练程度证明,国际申请人的母语 语言不是英语的人都需要参加英语语言测试或英语语言测试 TOEFL of the Educational Testing 服务. 的se tests are given in the students home countries and are normally the only acceptable certification of langu年龄 ability. 除非在报名日期前至少三个月参加考试, students cannot be sure of having their application processed in time. 最低 acceptable score on the paper based TOEFL (PBT) is 550; the minimum on the computer based TOEFL (CBT) is 213; the minimum on the internet based TOEFL (IBT) is 80. An 在国外获得的学位证书或毕业证书的正式复印件 required of international 申请人s. Students bear the cost of having foreign langu年龄 transcripts evaluated. Contact the Neuhoff Institute for Ministry & 传福音 欲知详情. International students should be aware that the University has no special funds for them. Federal loan funds are restricted to U.S. 公民.

Satish & Yasmin Gupta College of Business

在管理研究生院取得成功取决于许多因素,包括 from motivation to practical knowledge to academic ability. 的 primary purpose of 招生过程是为了确定未来学生成功的潜力 complete the requirements for each degree. Because the school enrolls full-time, part-time, 在线和国际学生,各种途径可供个人选择 寻求入学. 的 student may apply for admission to the Graduate School of Man年龄ment for the Fall, Spring, or Summer term. 应用程序 for admission are based upon the 由录取委员会和平等机会政策制定的标准.

申请人持有获得的研究生学位在任何学科从一个地区 认可你.S. college or university, or a comparable foreign degree, and who are 在该院校表现良好的学生将立即获得全额录取资格. 没有研究生学位的申请人必须通过满足要求来显示潜力 at least two measures of capability. Full Admission status allows a student who is 在大学有良好的信誉,可以按任何顺序参加GSM课程,只要 all 程序 and course prerequisites are met.

有条件录取允许申请人符合至少一项措施 Capability to begin classes in GSM under specific conditions. 申请人获批准 有条件录取必须完成6个学分的课程先决条件课程 with a 'C' or better (2.000) in each course taken and an overall GPA of 3.000或更高 before being considered for Full Admission status. Conditionally admitted students 只可修读必修课程,不得修读任何额外课程,直至 their conditional status has been lifted. In meeting the GPA and credit hour requirement, 学生可能会被要求修一些有资格获得豁免的课程. 在满足所有入学条件(如所述)之前,学生不得继续学习该课程 in the student's admissions agreement) have been satisfied.

合格录取只允许满足最低申请要求的申请人 to begin classes in GSM under specific conditions. Applicants must complete up to 15小时的合格课程,然后必须满足有条件录取要求. 在满足所有入学条件(如所述)之前,学生不得继续学习该课程 in the student's admission agreement) have been satisfied.

特殊学生身份允许学生在不寻求的情况下获得最多六个学分 一个学位. Applicants must meet the same criteria for admission as 一个学位 seeking 申请人. Applicants may only be accepted as a Special Student one time; if the student 希望参加额外课程的学生必须申请并被其中一所学校录取 the Graduate School of Man年龄ment's 学位课程s. Because Special Students are 未被录取的学生没有资格向学术委员会提出上诉 审查委员会.